Things To Know Before Buying Diamonds – The 4Cs of Diamond

The 4Cs of Diamond Quality – Cut, Colour, Clarity, and Carat are the gold standard for determining the quality of any diamond, in any part of the globe. The four properties of a diamond are the major constituents that influence its beauty and structure, notwithstanding the difficulty of deciphering one component alone. Professional jewellers assess […]

How to Buy The Perfect Ring For You And Take Perfect Care Of It

Diamond rings are the ultimate symbol of love for every individual. Being engaged to the person we love is one of the most memorable experiences of our lives, and the perfect ring completes the picture. While this may seem daunting to some, we have you covered. Let us guide you through the process of choosing […]

Lab Grown Diamonds – History, Present and Future

Diamonds are among the most prized possessions of a person. It is special to us and we hope we will be able to pass it on to our children one day. With Jewelbox, diamonds are no longer out of reach. With the advent of lab-grown diamonds, diamonds are for everyone. These days, lab-grown diamonds are […]

Why You Too Should Own a Lab-Grown Diamond!

It is no secret that diamonds are stunning, shiny and.. *drumroll* very pricey. The cost of diamonds can startle anyone who isn’t part of the marginal top tier of society, making them reconsider purchasing those earrings they’ve been eyeing for days. Nearly 70 years ago, arrived a solution that is gaining popularity today. It not […]

Lab-Grown Diamonds: Top 3 Questions Answered!

Gone are the days when jewellery was considered as treasured assets and an investment. With changing times, jewellery buying preferences of customers has shifted more towards minimalism and affordable alternatives. Diamond jewellery has always nestled in the hearts of jewellery lovers and when the fairly new kid on the block (read lab-grown diamonds) is making […]

Lab-Grown Diamonds – A New Rage Among Millennials

How can lab grown diamonds supersede real diamonds in the global market? Is it occupying a vast space in the industry? Why are millennials recently inclined towards it? Read along this article and all your queries will be duly answered! Diamond industry is extremely customer sensitive and millennials are up to making sustainable preferences regarding […]

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